This is one I have been working
on for a couple of weeks.
It's a Shepard's Bush pattern with
silk threads and the fabric included
in the kit. I joined this SAL and everybody
else is done or almost done so I have
been stitching away.
I have enjoyed it very much.
Sorry it is so small I will take a picture
and download it to my computer
and send a better shot.
I changed the alphabet so I had
to take out some of the speciality
stitches as the fabric was not
big enough.
After le froge (frog) made a visit
at my house I took the
second and third verse out
6 times. Yes count with me
SIX times!
I had decided that if I screwed it up
one more time I was not going
to pick up a needle again
for 6 days.
Thankfully, it did work out the 7th time.
I didn't feel good yesterday and I should
not have even picked up that needle.
So after I got the verses in and counted
to make sure I had room to finish
I did the house outline and the grass
Finally at 2:30 I decided to go to bed.
I will put this away and work on
something else for a few days.
I am anxious to get it done but I am
rather sick of it.
Those frogs will do that to you rather