This is a true color of the fabric.

Photo of Welsh Dragon chart in booklet from Enchanting Lair.

Here is a photo of the red Welsh dragon on the fabric.
It is an Enchanting Lair pattern Welsh Dragon 113
and the fabric is from Enchanting Lair, also.
I don't think it will be a UFO very long cause I want to get it done.
I am using Sampler threads for the dragon,
School House Red.
Buckeye Scarlet,
with (1) strand Petite Treasure Braid
by Rainbow Gallery (PB07)
for the high lights in the body and wings.
Highlights by RG (H613) for the wings.
The flames are Simply Shaker Butternut Squash
and the eye is Oatmeal.

Here is the photo with the wings started and his sparkles added.
It is sorta hard to see them. Oops this one is out of order,
but you get the idea. Someday I will get this backwards
stuff figured out but don't hold your breath.

When Tris stayed with the lady in D. C. I found
out when I visited that she was Welsh.
I wanted to stitch her a "Thank You"
for letting Tris live with her for the 11 months
while he went to school.
I got on the internet and started looking for a pattern.
I put in Welsh Dragon
and the exact ornament she had hanging
on Tris' doorknob
was just like this pattern.
This is what it looked like yesterday.
I have stitched on it for about 6 hours today
and it has all his legs, all the spaces are filled in
with sparkly stitches.
I also have half of his wings done,
the eye done
and the flames coming out of his mouth ~ done.
Oh, I forgot his tail!
I am going to stitch in
"Welsh Dragon"
from my favorite alphabet book,
at the bottom
and then I will post a picture.
My friend Dee Dee
has taken all the pictures of him
and she has done a great job.
Thanks Dee Dee!

Thank you for stopping by
as usual,
I appreciate your comments so much.