Hello everybody. I've just joined your lovely group and am looking forward to seeing more wonderful UFO progress. I've read almost the whole blog, you have some beautiful pieces in the works, I've really enjoyed catching myself up. So I'll add mine I guess.
I have a ton of UFOs, I'm one of those dreadful Serial Starters. A few weeks ago I looked at my stash, then at my wish list, then checked out my UFOs...I really have to finish something before the wish list is even considered again! I figured I should start with the oldest one first (and I notice it's not the oldest one on this blog -LOL-).
Here is my 12 year old UFO. This was a 'car project' that I started when DH and I took a five week driving-across-the-US vacation. This piece became a UFO because back then DH and I used to take several weekends a year and at least one week each summer and drive off somewhere and I intended the piece to remain a 'car project'. Well, life happens and we stopped scurrying around so much and somehow I just never picked this up 'at home'. I decided to stitch on this about 3 weeks ago. I have been working on the right hand side border and have advanced that about 3 inches. I'm not sure, I guess I've completed about 75 or 80% of the total. I'm trying to keep the b/s up as I go (except for blending filament) because this piece has so many fractional stitches that you can't see the design without the b/s in place, besides I hate backstitching and there's way too much in this piece to do it all at the end.
St. George & the Dragon (July 1996 - UFO)
Donna Vermillion Giampa
28 ct beige unknown evenweave, suggested fibers
As of August 25, 2009.
One of my BBs has a UFO Tuesday group which I just joined so my plan is to stitch at least some every Tuesday, hopefully I should have weekly updates. I know I'm a slow stitcher and I have never paid the slightest attention to how long it takes to get from point A to point B so I have no idea and wouldn't even be able to guess at a finish date. Getting it finished is my objective, I don't care when. I really do love this piece, so I hope I can stick with it.

One stitch at a time,
My blog Dragon My Needle, home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.
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