Hi everyone,
I think this is such a great idea and I'm so happy to join you all in it.
First I guess I want to tell you the story and see if you think you'd even finish the UFO that I have...
So about three years ago I was dating a guy, pretty nice guy, very obsessed with starting a family. He had picked up for me when he was in California one summer (we live in Canada) this beautiful Disney piece by Stoney Creek called Past, Present, Future. The idea was that I would stitch it up for a potential child that we would one day have...
Then that same summer a few months later disaster hit that idea... I have a feminine disease that will make it unlikely for me to have children (and they don't suggest I try unless I am completely set on it). I was a bit crushed, but kinda got over it. He did not get over it... I continued working on the piece for another year and a half until we finally split up.
There is a happy end to this story though... just a few months ago (now just over a year since the split up with the other guy) I moved in with a guy I had seen years back, who is super nice. I had gotten quite sick and he moved in with me to help me out.. and has just never left! :) He has no quams about us having no children and in fact prefers that (or we have discussed adopting a child too!)
Okay so to make my long story short... I have this epic UFO that could be nice (though I stitched it three threads on 28ct evenweave which I would not ever do again, it's too bulky but way, but too late to change it). Would you finish stitching it? And when you're done with it what would you do with it? I have considered trying to finish it and if one of my good friends has a baby giving it to them... or even donating it to a hospital or something for display... but just seem to feel gross everytime I try to stitch the piece as I am a bit bitter over being left just because I couldn't have kids.
Sorry this is a long and epic post.
Here is a (bad) picture of it I took last year. I should get a new one and post it up here for you ladies. (the bottom is stitched but got cut off by my scroll rods... really need a new pic of this)
So I guess I want your thoughts and opinions on what you would do with this...
(oh I have also considered seeing if someone else just wants the pattern and they can have my half done piece and finish it themselves too). I figure there is another 4 months at least of time to go into this piece to finish it, if it was stitched as the only piece (I have numerous pieces on the go right now)