Thursday 25 January 2018

Home stretch!

Yeah, I’m in the home stretch.  All the cross stitches are complete, the couching is all done and I just have the back ground to finish.

So here came the difficult part.  Wasn’t a fan of the indicated colors or all the beads in the netting so started trying different threads.  After ripping out 5 variations of colors or sizes of grid I decided to go with just the light blue thread at its original spacing leaving out the mauve thread completely.

Next step will be the beads.  Looking at Classical Japanese pottery it seemed that one blue spot in the middle of the blue grid was more typical so I went and found some blue beads in the right family and am planning on stitching one on the middle of each square.  Of course execution may decide that I don’t like that either, I’ll let you know next posting.  So without further ado, here it is in its current state.


D1-D2 said...

I actually really like him without the netting.

Elizabeth Clark said...

I do too. I waffled about leaving it out entirely but he felt a little unconnected from the frame. It will be easy to rip out if I decide in the end to do without.