Hello everyone!
I'm joining the group as yet another Teresa Wentzler pattern addict. I have a few of her projects which have fallen into UFO-land, and your little community seems like a nice one to share with. :)
I'm focusing on two of the projects at time in my rotation. They both fell off the wheels due to a combination of life insanity from planning my wedding two years ago followed suddenly by DH's mother passing away (and our house becoming cluttered as we went through her things). Both of these have been in UFO land now since 2006. I just started stitching again in October, and I've managed to do 10 hours on each of them so far. Here's the current status (I'll post them individually after this):
Egyptian Sampler:

Floral Bellpull: (everything above this square is done... so I'm on the 4th of 6!)

I'm planning on putting 10 hours of each of them per rotation. Hopefully I'll do them both each month, but in reality, I'll probably get 10 hours done on one or the other every month, as my rotation seems to be a 2-month plan.
Nice to meet you all!