It has been about 2 weeks since I publically announced "I am Lisa, I have a UFO and I am going to finish it by (or before) the end of the year)" I have created the policy that whenever I am home and stitching, I will bring out the Hockey Rivalry first and stitch on it. My other projects currently are smaller ones for exchanges (which are great projects to throw in my bag to do on field trip buses, when I sit in hockey rinks while the boys practice or on airplanes). The Hockey Rivalry is harder to tote around because I have a floss pre-threaded on a needle organizer

- which is wonderful for switching colors for this, but makes it hard to tote along. is the progress report:

There is where Hockey Rivalry was when I stated my declaration...
Here it is after a couple of weeks...

Now there is part of the goalie that the other little boy is shooting against and the beginning of the goal net. I hope to get the goalie finished by the end of next week.
Hope everyone is having a good week! And Happy Mother's Day for all mothers and child caretakers out there!
Lisa in CA