Morning all..........Right, it's been a good month since I posted. I had decided to work on a Dimensions UFO called Who's Watching Whom but I had no enthusiasm for it at all. I managed about 3 stitches before I just shelved it. I know the idea is to complete those kinds of UFO's but it just wasn't doing it for me & thats just a waste of good stitching time!
I decided to go back to my HAED Dragon Riders. This was started in July 2007 I love it, I have a space on my wall all picked out for it. It became a UFO as apart from working full time in my shop I was stitching it on 25ct over one & progress was very slow, maybe I'm just getting old but it was too much & I like to design too much for it to just get forgotten about. DH bought me some new fabric for it, a much more suitable 18ct aida :-)
The first picture is how far I managed to get stitched back in 2007 (I know.. not much at all!) & the second picture is what I've done over the last couple of weeks. I'd hoped to be posting a picture if a finished page one but not quite. I intend stitching on it for at least a week each month, if not more.

Happy Stitching :-)